Hello! | Thaella


It's my first post on new blog so probably I should introduce myself.
Hi! My name is Dominica. I am in third class of secondary school. I love biology, dancing, cooking and taking photos.
I started cooking when I was 8 years old.
For my first meal I made some kind of meat.  I don't remember exactly.
Of course I'd cooked many times with mum before that.
But she didn't help me that time. She was so worried!
Then I baked first cake and cooking became my hobby.

I have sister - Martina. She's 7 years older. We have different hobbies and characters so It's not easy for me to talk with her.

I've had a cat since 2012. It doesn't have a name. It's just cat.

My favourite drink is cacao. I can drink it 24 hours a day for breakfast, dinner and lunch. I really like coffee too.

If you have some more questions, then write them in comments.
Thank you for reading this post!
Hope you will stay with me for something more interesting!
See you soon!



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