Just try | Thaella

Just try

Sometimes it's hard to try new things. We think that something is more terrifying than it truly is. This fear keeps us back. Our future hobbies have to wait for us. If we could do it earlier, we would be better at it.

Week ago I have been doing macarons. I've wanted to make macarons since I ate them in France. But I was too scared. Everybody says they are really hard to bake.
I've obeyed public opinion and stopped thinking about it. Four years later I saw recipe. I read them and thought that it's easy. I made a decision and baked these little cakes.
They were really good. My mum, who had never been proud of me, was proud of me for this time. I was really happy. Maybe it's trivial but it made me think about my fears.
What would happen, if I did something in wrong way?
I would try again. It wouldn't be the end of the world.
So if you are afraid of anything, just stop and try it.



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