On my watchlist | Thaella

On my watchlist

When I saw my mum watching this serie for the first time, I didn't know what to think... really. It's one of these things, on which you have to spend some time to understand it and find that you love it so much (but as with everything there're probably loads of people who hate it).
Gilmore girls isn't new serie. But it has an update (Gilmore girls: Year in the Life) that was made last year.
It's about a girl, called Rory, named by her sixteen years older mother and best friend, Lorelai. Rory's dream, since she was a little child, is to study on Harvard University. She and her mother live in small town with unique, but a little strange environment.
All of inhabitants' of Stars Hollow problems are shown in not serious, sometimes funny way. They are shown as easy-breezy things, which sometimes contracts with their real meanings.
In my opinion these always positive-thinking Gilmores' family make this serie special and good to watch in every free moment.

I won't say more because I'd probably say something important and spoil you big part of serie. I hope that some of you'll like Gilmore girls! Maybe someone has already watched it?
I am in the middle of season 4 but I'm watching it nearly 24/7 (obviously TOO MUCH... hahah). So it won't take long for me to start Gilmore girls: Year in the Life!
I'll see you soon!


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